Read/write VCF contact files in vCard format with R
Imports data from vcf vcard format into R dataframe, basic manipulations with contacts data and write back into vsf vcard file format, which can be imported with various contact apps.
Also can import data from Telegram JSON (data export procedure).
Supports VCARD 3.0 file format, including these fields:
You can install the development version of vcardr from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
df <- vcardr::import_vcf("path_to_file.vcf")
## basic example code
Note that if contact has few phone numbers, record would consist of coressponding number of rows in dataframe with the same set of columns but various telephone numbers.
df <- vcardr::import_telegramJSON("data.json")
export2vcf(contacts_df, "mycontacts.vcf")